For over 30 years we have been advising individuals who want to develop and implement an intelligent, comprehensive long-term financial plan, customized to their personal goals and resources. Our financial planning process is founded on the idea that capability and experience are the keys to success. We expect each advising relationship to endure for many years, possibly even generations. Because our professional perspective is long-term, we believe that all financial planning relationships must be borne in an environment of trust, objectivity, and professionalism. Our commitment to our clients is to provide exceptional service, remain independent and objective, and to provide knowledgeable advice.
Service is the bridge over which we bring objective skillfulness to work on behalf of our clients. We built that bridge strong, tend to it faithfully and pride ourselves on the level of service provided.
Our fee-based investment advisory services align our interests with yours. Since our income is based on the value of your account, we work diligently in striving to increase the value of your assets in up markets and to preserve them in down markets.
Professionalism is an ongoing responsibility; therefore we continually pursue opportunities to upgrade our knowledge and skills.